Friday, January 12, 2024

Cloudy Weather | Impacts On Agriculture Crops |

Cloudy Weather

             At present, Cloudy weather is seen not only in Maharashtra but in many states of India. A similar situation is seen in many districts of our Maharashtra state. When the crops like wheat, sorghum, gram etc are planted by the farmers are in flower and fruit bearing conditions, it is seen that various diseases are spreading on these crops due to the cloudy weather. In today's article, let's take a look at cloudy weather and its effects on agriculture crops and their production.

Cloudy Weather :

            Cloudy weather in agriculture affects crops in two ways, positive and negative. These results may depend on various factors such as duration of cloudy weather, intensity of cloudiness and specific needs of different crops. A brief overview of the effects of cloudy weather on agriculture is given below.

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A) Positive results :

1. Temperature regulation:

            Cloud cover can greatly moderate temperatures by preventing overheating during the day and reducing heat loss at night. This can be beneficial, especially in hot climate regions, as it helps maintain a more favorable temperature range for crops. This weather is beneficial for fruit crops that are in the flowering or fruiting stage.

2. Reduced Evaporation Rate :

           Cloudy weather reduces evaporation, which helps the soil retain moisture. It is especially beneficial in water scarcity or drought conditions.

3. Sunburn Protection : 

            Certain crops, especially fruits, are prone to sunburn when exposed to strong sunlight. Cloud cover provides natural shade, protects crops from excessive sunlight and reduces the risk of sunburn. As it helps to get better quality in fruits.Also, It helps to get better market price which altimately increase the income of farmer.

B) Negative effects :

1. Reduced photosynthesis :


             Cloudy weather limits the amount of sunlight reaching plants, which negatively affects photosynthesis - the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy. Reducing photosynthesis slows down plant growth and development.

2. Diseases and pests : 


               Extended periods of cloud cover, along with high humidity, create favorable conditions for the development of certain plant diseases and the spread of pests. Fungal diseases, in particular, can thrive in such conditions.

3.  Late ripening :

             Fruits and vegetables ripen late due to lack of sunlight. This delay can affect the timing of harvest, leading to potential market challenges or storage issues.

4.  Reduced yields : 

             Overall, extended periods of cloudy weather can reduce crop yields due to reduced photosynthesis, stunted growth, and increased susceptibility to disease and pests.

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Cloudy Weather

What To Do During Cloudy Condition ?

1. Wheat : 

         Early maturing wheat crop should be harvested 3-4 days before crop maturity. Therefore,as it helps to prevent falling of seed grains in the field. While some farmers wheat Crop is in flowering condition have to skip watering the field and give spray of chemical to protect crop from sucking pests.

2. Sorghum : 

            The maturing sorghum crop should be protected from birds. Also, the sorghum should be harvested as soon as the symptoms of black spots appear near the end of the sorghum grain, and the grains should be dried in the sun for 5 to 6 days. 

3. Gram : 

          The early planted and matured gram crop should be harvested and threshed. The threshed gram should be dried in the sun for 5 to 6 days and stored in a safe place. Neem leaves should be added to it during storage so that it does not get pest.

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